Contact Us for a Free Consultation 936-756-6555

POCS & DWI 3rd or more (MTR)

POCS Criminal Defense Conroe

Client was on probation for a Possession of Controlled Substance and a 4th Driving While Intoxicated charge.

Client failed 3 Urinary Analysis (UA's) and Failed to Appear at Drug Court Meetings.

An Order of Arrest was issued for Client. State Prosecutor and Drug Court personnel recommended Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF).

The Judge order client to stay on probation and to a 90 day outpatient drug rehabilitation.

To find out more about how our criminal defense attorneys can help, go to our Conroe DUI and DWI Defense Attorney page. and our Possession of Controlled Substance lawyer page. Fill out our form or call us today to see how we can help, 936-756-6555. 

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Duckworth & Ray is committed to answering your questions about law issues in Conroe, TX. We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
